The Governance function, authenticating platform membership and transactional activity, will be a role for accredited HR associations and members of DeHR, explained in more detail below. As the DLT platform evolves an agent centric hosting model will provide attractive benefits for TGN Network participants.


Membership of DEHR will initially be by invitation to the top layer HR Membership Associations around the world. See below for a list of associations.

Invitations to participate in the second layer will be to authenticated companies and enterprises around the world and will be issued by the relevant regional HR Membership Association.

Once the approval process has taken place employee private data, currently held in approved companies’ HR legacy databases, can be uploaded to DLT ledgers. Employees will be given access to their data and control over the maintenance and access privileges from requesting entities.

For more information see the Governance and Membership sections of this website.

Argentina Canada Greece Lithuania Norway Romania Switzerland
Australia Chile Hong Kong Macedonia Pakistan Singapore Taiwan
Bangladesh Croatia Hungary Malawi Panama Slovenia Thailand
Belgium Cyprus India Malaysia Papua New Guinea South Africa Tunisia
Botswana Dominican Republic Italy Mauritius Paraguay Spain Uganda
Brazil Ecuador Japan Morocco Philippines Sri Lanka United Kingdom
Bulgaria Fiji Kenya New Zealand Portugal Sweden USA

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